Shalom Dream Center
Shalom Dream Center (SDC) will be a community made up of ministries that serve the locality and also train workers to serve throughout the region, the whole country and even beyond (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth).
We hope it will be a model for similar communities – that will bring these ministries to remoter areas and enable believers to be developed there, instead of having to leave their homelands to pursue training and perhaps never return.

Church and fellowship for workers in the Shalom Dream Center and locals brought to Christ through the outreaches we conduct.
Bible School
Relevant training that equips workers to reach the lost, especially the least reached, and serve the church. This will not be academic teaching but will combine correct handling of God’s Word and practical life application that students can use and pass on to those they are serving
Dream Village Retreat Center
A place with sleeping accommodation and catering for individuals and groups seeking quiet, counsel, prayer and spiritual refreshing.
Children's Center
Outreach and teaching to local children and training of children’s workers.

Medical Center
A clinic that provides reliable and affordable advice and treatment for both bible workers visiting as well as the community surrounding Shalom Dream Center.

Community Center
A hospitable venue for locals to meet, relax and seek advice – making us a positive part of the local community. This will use the main Bible School and Retreat meeting room.
Organic Farm
Small business that produces quality food for residents and guests.
Vocational Center
Practical skills training to equip students to earn an income and support themselves in ministry.
Sports Center
Football and games facilities to provide recreation for students and locals, and as a means of outreach.
Laoka Village, Sen Monorom City, Mondulkiri Province
Laoka is a small village, near SenMonorom in Mondulkiri province. It is approximately 5 hours drive from Phnom Penh. The road there is much improved so not only is travel there easier but there are also improved amenities and supplies of goods as new businesses develop the market there.
There are a number of beautiful destinations within reach of Sen Monorom that provide peaceful and inspiring places for recreation and rest for those who work in, or visit, Shalom Dream Center.
It is a region of forested hills populated by different tribal groups living in small villages. Khmers have begun to move into the area to do business, but outside the small towns most are tribal people who are very poor, surviving on day wages as seasonal farm laborers. If farm work not available they have to find other ways to provide for their families. A few find the money to send their children to school, but many stop attending after only a few years to take up work. As a result literacy levels are very low.
Saing Chhinho has established good contacts with church leaders and others in the area who will help to start and run this work and will encourage local families to take up the opportunities on offer.

Learn More About The Hill Tribes In Eastern Cambodia
Among the many minority groups who live in Cambodia are the various hill tribes who have called this region home for many hundreds of years. These groups, approximately 2 percent of the Cambodian population, are not ethnic Khmer, and thus speak different languages than their lowland counterparts.
Some of these languages now have alphabets, developed by Bible translators, so they can be written and read but education in schools is in Khmer. Unsurprisingly less than 10% of tribal adults in Mondulkiri are literate in Khmer. This effectively limits their communication with government, business and employers. Consequently they’re less able to secure their rights or take up better employment opportunities. Too often they suffer unjust treatment from those who take advantage of their vulnerability.
These tribes of Cambodia were originally called phnong or samre, meaning savage. In the 1960’s the government began calling them Khmer Loeu (Highland Khmer), apparently to create unity between the highland tribal groups and the lowland Khmer. However most hill groups have very different cultures compared to lowland Khmers, with different customs, survival strategies, religions and appearances.
The Khmer Loeu hill tribes, comprising thirteen distinct minority groups, lived for centuries without regard to country borders, often in communities spanning both Cambodia and the neighboring countries of Laos and/or Vietnam. This was made possible by the isolation and ruggedness of the terrain, making political boundaries difficult to control, and because there was little interest in the area by lowlanders.
The Vietnam war and subsequent chaos and political fall-out catastrophically disrupted their lives. As peace returned they tried to retain their identity, but the modern world is encroaching, and they find themselves in danger of losing access to the land they have lived off, and their way of life. They require help at spiritual, social and educational levels to gain the confidence and knowledge they need to stand up for themselves, survive and succeed in the modern Cambodia.
Why is Shalom Dream Center Being Developed?
Today there is a challenge to the Cambodian Church: Our nation now stands at 16.3 million people.
The Gospel came to Cambodia less than 100 years ago and early believers were persecuted and few. However, since the overthrow of Pol Pot the church has grown from a few thousands to over 300,000!
Yet there could have been more!
Why are there not more?
Because the workers are few!
What is the Solution?
Our Lord Jesus gave the answer:
“Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matt 9:38
We have asked the Lord of the harvest and we believe he has told us to:
Prepare the workers God has called to be effective in the harvest – our purpose.
Create a place where this happens – our vision
Click on the image below to view a slideshow of construction of the Dream Center. Once the slideshow opens you can use your arrow keys or click the arrow on the side to see more images.
Will You Partner With Us?
Partner Financially
Are you able to help finance the purchase of land and the construction of buildings?
Pass On Your Knowledge
Are you an experienced Bible teacher or Pastor – able to pass on your knowledge to train the next generation of Christ’s servants? We would like to talk with those who can join the resident staff or who can visit regularly.
Help Us Build
Do you have construction skills to work on, or supervise, the building work?
Share Practical Skills
Do you have farming, horticultural or manual skills to work on our small farm or teach students practical skills that will enable them to earn a living to support their ministries?
Join The Team
Do you have teaching, medical, catering or children’s work experience and are willing to consider joining the Shalom Dream Center ministry?