About Shalom
Shalom Church started in September 2002 with a small group of about 7 neighbors and friends. Week by week God blessed us by adding more people to our small group. We became a church and met together to worship. Many months later we started to plant new churches in other provinces and so formed an association which we have called Shalom Mission Cambodia.Vision
Churches in Cambodia filled with true disciples of Jesus Christ who are transforming their communities holistically and leading them into abundant life with God.
Founders Message
My name is Chhinho Siang. I have personally been called to share the gospel with and make disciples of the Cambodian people. I founded Shalom Mission Cambodia in 2012 with the understanding that I cannot be successful in my calling without a church family and structure that share my calling to introduce the Cambodian people to Jesus and his never ending love for them.
Cambodia is a unique place and our people have been through significant challenges in our recent history. The difficult realities of our history have a direct impact on how we are able to share the gospel around us and on the lifestyle of our pastors and evangelists.
Early on in my efforts to reach my fellow Cambodians I realized that in order for us to approach our friends, neighbors and fellow Cambodians we had to be able to address the social and economic issues they were facing with wisdom. We had to be able to provide value in their lives in order to be respected. If you want to be heard and have your message considered you first must have to have the respect of the members of your community.
This is a process that takes time and hard work. Earning respect requires leadership, discipline, and perseverance. It requires living in the villages, working alongside your neighbors to plant rice, raise chickens, fix houses, and do life with the people around you. Building these relationships requires a loving commitment that values each person in a small farming village and that equally values the lives of the people in a small neighborhood of the city.
It is providing a place for their children to be safe and learn valuable skills after school when the parents are still at work. It is less strategy and more friendship, support and mentoring that open doors to the gospel.
With all of this in mind our pastors live a lifestyle that makes these relationships possible and gives them the opportunity to be leaders in their community.
Shalom Mission Cambodia is planting and growing churches around Cambodia through lay discipleship and the power of the Holy Spirt.
I want to personally invite you to join us in the work that God has called us to do. Walk alongside us as we disciple and minister to our fellow Cambodian brothers and sisters.
Join our prayer support team, adopt a pastor to intercede for, and consider making a financial donation to help us continue to support our pastors as they live out their calling in their communities.
May God Bless you as you walk with us,
Chhinho Saing
Background about Cambodia:
Cambodia was a powerful kingdom from the first to fourteenth centuries. Thereafter for around 500 years it became a pawn in regional and global conflicts, suffering invasion and occupation. The Vietnam War (1970-75) spilled over its borders and opened the way for the extreme Marxist Khmer Rouge takeover in 1975.
The genocidal Khmer Rouge ‘reign of terror’ was led by Pol Pot, Brother Number One. The country was transformed into a vast forced labor camp, was ruled by Angkar Loeu (‘The Organization on High’) and Cambodia was renamed ‘Democratic Kampuchea’. At least two million out of seven million Cambodians – including virtually all the Christian leaders and ninety percent of the Church – were killed or allowed to die of starvation and disease. Tens of thousands fled as refugees into neighboring countries. However, in 1993 Cambodia held the first election by led by the UN and now the country is open to the gospel once again.
Country: Cambodia
People Name: Khmer
Capital: Phnom Penh
Population: 13 million
Language: Khmer
Buddhist 82.57%
Muslim 3.90%
Christian 2.5%
Others 11.84%
MEMBERSHIP (of churches in Association)
- Qualifications for membership:
- The church has its own constitution
- The church accepts this constitution
- The church’s application is accepted by SMC
- Outreach groups: Outreach Groups may be part of SMC but they are represented by their mother church until they are accepted by SMC as full members, having sufficiently mature leadership, sufficient members and sufficient ability to fulfill their responsibilities as a member of the Association.
- Responsibilities of member churches:
- To contribute to the progress of the Association and other SMC member churches.
- To send 3 representatives to meetings of the Association.
- To pay 10% of their general offering to SMC.
- Privileges of membership:
- To be represented at Members Meetings.
- To request help from the SMC in line with its aims.
- To see the accounts of the Association
- To appoint the General Secretary of the Association.
- Retirement: A member church may choose to leave the Association on giving three months’ written notice. It may be required to leave the Association by:
- A majority vote in a Members’ Meeting
- A decision of the General Secretary in cases of breach of the provisions of this
constitution, breach of trust, unresolved immorality or similar issues.

- Authority:
- The Lord Jesus, and His word, is the supreme authority
- The autonomy of each local church is affirmed; SMC exists to support and develop
their ministry.
- Members Meeting:
- A General Meeting will be held every year. Two-thirds attendance of eligible
representatives from member churches is needed to provide an official quorum. - Extraordinary meetings may be called on at least one month’s notice if requested in
writing by the majority of member churches. - The Annual Meeting must approve the Association’s annual accounts and the
General Secretary for the year ahead. - Agenda items must be notified at least one month prior to a meeting.
- A General Meeting will be held every year. Two-thirds attendance of eligible
- General Secretary: The SMC will be managed by a General Secretary. He will assisted by an Advisory Council nominated by him. He has authority to make decisions to carry out the aims of the Association for the benefit of its member churches.
- Advisory Council: The General Secretary may invite anyone to join his Advisory Council provided they
are Christians who can accept SMC’s Articles of Faith, are of good character and have
relevant ministry or leadership skills. The Council gives advice but has no authority to
make decisions. - Finance and Property:
- Member churches’ contributions will be used by SMC to fulfill its constitutional
aims. - The General Secretary must appoint a Treasurer from among the member churches
who will keep proper accounts. - All payments must be authorised by the General Secretary.
- SMC may hold assets in the name of any of individuals within its member churches
as long as these individuals hold the assets on trust for the Association - If SMC is ever disbanded its assets will be divided equally among its member
- Member churches’ contributions will be used by SMC to fulfill its constitutional