Get Involved
Shalom Mission Cambodia is looking for partners: individuals, small groups, churches and businesses all have God given gifts that can be used to support our discipleship and church planting work in Cambodia.
Shalom Mission believes strongly in the power of prayer. First pray for the nation of Cambodia and the leadership of Cambodia, that the Holy Spirit would work on the hearts of the people of this nation and create fertile soil for our pastors to plant the seeds of the Gospel.
Prayer support is a powerful way that you can support our pastors ministries in the cities and villages of Cambodia. We would like to invite you to visit our pastors page and adopt one of our pastors to be their prayer support partner.
Adopting a pastor as a family or small group is a powerful way to continually invite the Holy Spirit to be present and active in the village with the pastor.

Support Shalom Financially
The majority of Shalom’s pastors are tentmakers. They live and work in their communities, some are farmers, some own and operate small businesses but each is self employed in their communities. The tentmaker lifestyle gives our pastors the experience and knowledge to be valuable and contributing member of their community while allowing them the freedom to have a flexible schedule to visit church members and neighbors, give bible studies and mentorship to their neighbors in the areas of family life, health and leadership development
Shalom provides a monthly stipend to our pastors to relieve some of their financial burden and give them the freedom to devote a significant portion of time and energy to growing and serving their congregations.
By financially supporting Shalom you are also helping us provide spaces for our churches to meet, study and worship. The cost of renting buildings large enough for church and meetings overshadows the financial means of the church body. Your financial support allow us to rent and retain buildings that the church body a place to worship, study and meet together.
Your financial support also allows us to continue to feed children in need through our Children’s Center program. Each week we feed 150 children 1 meal per day 3-4 days per week. It allows make sure our pastors have basic medicine and first aid supplies in their homes to help their neighbors in times of emergency, and allows us to give educational scholarships to children and youth that are unable to afford the cost of an education that will change their live.
Send A Team
We invite you to send a short term team to work with us in discipling the people of Cambodia.
A sample of things your team can do here to reach Cambodian’s for Christ.
- Teach English and build relationships at Shalom International School
- Run a summer bible school program for children at one of our churches
- Run a soccer skills outreach camp for a week in Phnom Penh
- Mentor our pastors and worship leaders in the area of musical worship
- Work with Shalom leadership to support the development of economic opportunities in our church communities.
- Lead a “week of prayer” in one of our Churches and provide children’s programs so the parents can fully participate in the event.

Invest in Sustainability
Shalom Mission Cambodia is pursuing the goal of becoming a financially sustainable organization. Our goal is to have the expenses of running our churches to be covered by our tithes, offerings and other funds generated from within Cambodia.
The major obstacle in reaching this goal is the economics of rural Cambodia. Poverty is still a very present reality in the rural villages of Cambodia. Families struggle to survive financially. While they are ready and willing to tithe, their level of income does not cover the costs of operating a small church and providing a small stipend for our pastors.
We have many options of small businesses that we can operate to provide jobs for the community that will be profitable and help defray the expenses of the mission. The challenge is this, businesses that have the scale required to employ people in the community and be viable long term require more startup capital than we can generate in the small towns and villages of rural Cambodia.
We are looking for business minded people to work with us and partner with us long term to help us strategically develop and grow social businesses that serve our communities and our Country.
We would welcome people with knowledge and experience to come and help us assess the market conditions and strategically evaluate ideas with the goal of starting new ventures that benefit Shalom communities and the people of Cambodia.